Wednesday, 17 June 2020

The unprovoked killing of Indian soldiers in Galwan in Ladakh

Extremely saddened by the martyrdom of our brave Jawans. The first casualties on the Indo-Sino border since 1967, I understand. 

The ‘Ghost of Galwan’ gobbles up the ‘Spirit of Wuhan’ . The inchoate  ‘esprit de corps’ of quad (US, Aus,Jap) crumbles like a castle of sand - all mute spectators, ‘quarantined’ by the ‘spectre’ of China . Nepal too twirls its moustache. Playing out the truism- the strong get stronger by the weak jumping onto its bandwagon. 

Where does that leave us? A sobering thought ! If we buckle now, on the battle field or in diplomatic parleys , it only whets the appetite of the grasping neighbour. 

A consensus around the idea of not yielding , and to temper the iron in our national character into steel to bear its consequences needs to be evolved. We are into the historic Peloponnesian War scenario, where an ‘unruly’ democratic Athens is confronted by a superior and martial Sparta. Yet, Athens won for Athenians rose to a man. So we can ! 

We need to build a unitary national political theme. Not stand on the high pedestal of a ruling majority to silence pockets of dissonant, inquiring voices from below. Need to channel all voices into a high-pitched national crescendo of ‘Jo Bole So Nihal’. Coercing opposition to be children of Hamlin following the Pied Piper into the mountains of anonymity is not the way to go about it. For in politics there are no children, only the wise and the stupid according to the times. 

So, it is time to display sagacity. The burden of bringing the peoples behind the leadership lies with itself. The measure of success achieved in this direction will be the real litmus test of its political maturity - consensus without compelling, meeting of minds without guns at the heads. 

The past record of this regime in this sense has been less than enviable. It has relied almost exclusively on ‘my way or the highway’. But this is a national emergency with a hegemonic China speaking from behind the barrel of its guns. An all party meet is slated for Friday. Hope the engagement transcends partisan narrowness and evolves a genuine consensus rather than attempting to bring leaders round to the state point of view. The nation needs it to succeed. For only that will mobilise popular support for the state and enthuse its citizen. 

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