A peephole into Hypocrisy, Doublespeak , mental blindness, sin entitlements and duplicity of politicians.
Tuesday, 30 June 2020
The PM Care China Goodwill Fund ?
Sunday, 28 June 2020
The Chinese Locust
Wednesday, 17 June 2020
The unprovoked killing of Indian soldiers in Galwan in Ladakh
Extremely saddened by the martyrdom of our brave Jawans. The first casualties on the Indo-Sino border since 1967, I understand.
The ‘Ghost of Galwan’ gobbles up the ‘Spirit of Wuhan’ . The inchoate ‘esprit de corps’ of quad (US, Aus,Jap) crumbles like a castle of sand - all mute spectators, ‘quarantined’ by the ‘spectre’ of China . Nepal too twirls its moustache. Playing out the truism- the strong get stronger by the weak jumping onto its bandwagon.
Where does that leave us? A sobering thought ! If we buckle now, on the battle field or in diplomatic parleys , it only whets the appetite of the grasping neighbour.
A consensus around the idea of not yielding , and to temper the iron in our national character into steel to bear its consequences needs to be evolved. We are into the historic Peloponnesian War scenario, where an ‘unruly’ democratic Athens is confronted by a superior and martial Sparta. Yet, Athens won for Athenians rose to a man. So we can !
We need to build a unitary national political theme. Not stand on the high pedestal of a ruling majority to silence pockets of dissonant, inquiring voices from below. Need to channel all voices into a high-pitched national crescendo of ‘Jo Bole So Nihal’. Coercing opposition to be children of Hamlin following the Pied Piper into the mountains of anonymity is not the way to go about it. For in politics there are no children, only the wise and the stupid according to the times.
So, it is time to display sagacity. The burden of bringing the peoples behind the leadership lies with itself. The measure of success achieved in this direction will be the real litmus test of its political maturity - consensus without compelling, meeting of minds without guns at the heads.
The past record of this regime in this sense has been less than enviable. It has relied almost exclusively on ‘my way or the highway’. But this is a national emergency with a hegemonic China speaking from behind the barrel of its guns. An all party meet is slated for Friday. Hope the engagement transcends partisan narrowness and evolves a genuine consensus rather than attempting to bring leaders round to the state point of view. The nation needs it to succeed. For only that will mobilise popular support for the state and enthuse its citizen.
Friday, 12 June 2020
Boycott Chinese Goods
Thursday, 11 June 2020
An open letter to Rahul Gandhi
Sadar Pranam,
THEY call you a Dynast, a Pappu, a hybrid Bacchda, a failed, if not, part time politician, a blabbering duffer, a pesky flea to be swatted at each buzz , an unwelcome, dissonant whisper in a sybaritic, sycophantic national symphony.
But you don’t look it, that’s for sure.
Else why would THEY howl ,growl, seethe with rage , gnash THEIR teeth and let loose THEIR ED/CBI/IT/GST bull terriers upon you ?
Is it your patent sincerity, the dimpled smile, the incipience of an ambitious politician THEY see in you and one who obdurately refuses to wither away in THEIR forbidding presence, that ruffles THEIR feathers ?
Is it your naivety that affords them opportunities to lampoon, trash, trivialise you ? Must you pepper your 57-minute media interaction with ‘strategy’, ‘strategic’, ‘strategically’ 34 times when THEY are still learning the ropes of strategy ? Should you demand a roadmap when THEY are still learning to spell it out ?
When the Chinese army intrudes to possess hitherto uninhabited areas within or near our borders you have this obnoxious habit of jolting THEIR amour propre. You ‘mindlessly’ point to dangers posed by Chinese pursuit of a Chanakya neeti ( the eclectic Chinese draw on all sources of military strategy not just Sun Tzu ) that first nibbles at the periphery to gradually conquer the heart. Not too fanciful a thought considering that usurpation of Aksai Chin began as far back as 1949 to reach its culmination in a ‘Chinese’ drawn McMohan line in 1959. Nothing of Aksai Chin was left by then for India to defend in 1962.
You can redeem yourself by enacting a ‘Shatranj Ke Khilari’ and escape to the safety of ‘away’, away from the boom of Chinese kettledrums. That’s what patriotic citizen do and that’s what THEY want you to do.
But how did you get into this imbroglio in the first place? Aren’t you proscribed from talking about China, a disability foisted upon you by your Nana losing 40000 Sq Kms to them ! Being a Nehru, the sophistry of ‘Differing Perceptions’ that the architects of Shining India invoke today isn’t available to him even now. Nor the compulsion of having to accord primacy to rebuilding, modernising the moribund economy and inducing redistributive justice from severely limited resources ; or the extenuations of an underprepared, underarmed, vertically vivisected Indian army yet to reap the benefits of defence production infrastructure in the making , and drained from its multifarious civilian duties in relief and rehabilitation and dousing the embers of communal fire oft rekindled by toxicity of Hindu-Muslim antipathies of any avail to a Nehru.
You know all this. As a true ‘janewdhari’ nationalist you must boost , not mar, THEIR image. Between a 100 Sq Kms or so under disputed ‘perceptions’ now and 40000 Sq Kms perceived and lost earlier is a tremendous leeway. A few sq Kms of pasture land lost here and there isn’t tantamount to Differing Perceptions morphing into Conferring Perceptions. Rest assured, more than the guns THEIR ‘moohtod jawab’ will do the trick.
Further, your empathies lie on the wrong side of the economic spectrum and never with the suit boot ki sarkar. Disowned by locals, unowned by THEM the woebegone migrant labourers had only their karma to blame. THEY so believed. By seeking to give moral succour to the distraught, bedraggled men, women and children walking barefoot to destinations thousands of kilometres away and to a bleak, uncertain future on geysering, desolate roads, penniless, hungry, stoically enduring their fate for a better afterlife, you were again caught wrong-footed. The migrants were to stay put and survive or perish instead of making a public spectacle of their misery and sullying THEIR image and THEIR karma.
And bear in mind you only babelize THEM by interacting with academic eminences about Corona and Economy. What can they tell that THEY do not know ? If THEY were not consumed by wisdom would THEY have dared to interrupt the economy twice without due consultation with stakeholders ? THEY know everything about everything. THEIR’s is a limitless repertory, the Akshay Patra of wisdom. God has that way been very unfair. Is it then a wonder that so many fawn obsequiously and react obstreperously to you ?
Sorry, I have taken much of your time. But it helped me to feel light, so crave your indulgence in writing to you again, if need be.
A well wisher.
Monday, 8 June 2020
Faded underpants means bad economy
Tuesday, 2 June 2020
Book : ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN by Bernstein&Woodward
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