Sunday, 14 May 2017

Negotiating the maze of rights

“What one thinks is right is not always the same as what others think is right; no one can be always right.” 

 So very Right !!!

My father must have been much anxious that my life get right off to a right start right after emerging from my mother’s womb. So ,not one, two astrologers were  engaged to make my kundli . Surprisingly, both agreed that the disposition of my stars was just right. Rahu and Ketu wouldn’t cast their malevolent shadows on me as they were on the right side of my life journey.

However ,neither of them were around when someone right behind shoved me and my left arm went right through the glass of the refectory door. Bleeding profusely from a nasty gash on the wrist with little shards of glass ensconced in it, I was led to the school dispensary. Sister nurse picked off the shards and thought it right to sew it up instead of a simple dressing. So she draped a towel  over my head and proceeded right about the business of  sewing up . What didn't seem right was that she did it without  anaesthesia. She hadn't the  time to do the right thing. I still carry two scars from that accident, one on the wrist and the other in my heart which still rebels against the cruelty of the anonymous Sister nurse.

Time went by. I learnt the rights and wrongs of things and went right on to college. Till then Marx hadn't entered into my consciousness. So whatever I did was right. Then some bright hat said going right wasn't right . Left was the way to go . I thought that was right too. One always walked through the streets on its left , why not the same for the street of Life? So I became a rights activist on the left side of the political scale. That put my father, a right-minded soul, right out of his mind. He bristled with righteous indignation, how dare his right arm lean left ! After all ,right was ,by definition, right. For one with a heart in the right place ,rebelling against father didn't feel alright. I did the next right thing ,like a pendulum I sometimes swung right ,at other times left since nobody ever suggested staying centre.

That led to contretemps with both left and right over my being confused. They said you are either left brained or right brained . Being neither an organised or creative person, I deemed it right to remain scatterbrained. 

That's how I have muddled through life, met mr Bright, mr Wright ,mr Upright ,mr Forthright ,mr Spright, but never one only right. Except , perhaps ,Mr Bennet.  


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