Saturday, 15 October 2016

Proverbially yours


History only tells ‘His_Story’- of kings and wars; of peoples and their cultures; of tyrannies and democracies; of liberals and bigots; of good and bad nations but never the story of oneness of mankind . That insight one fruitfully gains by an analytical study of folklores, aphorisms, truisms and proverbs sourced from different climes. Whatever the times or the skies they in different guises speak in one voice – the similitude of human fears, cravings and struggles for existence.

Take proverbs. Chambers defines a proverb as ‘a pithy, practical, popular saying expressive of certain, more or less, general conviction”. Not just a wise saying or a  striking aphorism, but a concatenation of wit, wisdom, popular acclaim and use at the time
 it was first coined, an expression of life’s lesson drawn from long  experience, one that is widely believed in and has morphed into a truism. 

Forewarned is forearmed; fast bind, fast find; a tethered sheep soon starves;भैंस के आगे बीन बजाना,are all distillates  of cumulative human experiences that became commonsensical enough to serve as eternal guides of human conduct.

As one flits across the skies and epochs ,geography and culture drapes proverbs in fascinating peculiarities of phraseology, symbolism and characterisation.However, the embedded truth is identical .Indians say “चले न जाने अँगना टेढ़ा” to mean “a bad carpenter quarrels with his tools”. These similarities transcending language and culture is what history misses out in writing ‘His_Story’

So, when men start living on Mars, the proverbial truths will still be aglow but lighted by different fires, or to put it  prosaically, by phrases and vocab that we use today .What will it be? Let’s do some crystal-ball gazing. Join in, who knows you may hit gold and 
coin one for human Martians to quote. I can't  resist putting Trump on top of the list for its sheer topicality,

1. When arses are around ,can Donald be far behind ? 
2. He who shares his password has nothing left to share.
3. We talked Mars, they talked moon.
4. Smart possessed is smart dressed . 
5. Knowledge is Google. 
6. Power is a microchip 
7. Citizens die ,Netizens survive  
8. Truth is just a photoshop away
9. A tweet a day keeps gloom away
10. If you aren't ahead ,you are as good as dead
11. All's well when likes swell 
12. With a hook you can fish, without one you can phish.
13. A harvest of Ideas  is worth more than gold 
14. Never step on toes of customers, they have long memories
15. Insult and abuse are politician’s ruse 

Life has metamorphosed in myriad ways.To capture its ebbs and flows in admixtures of “humour, truism, twaddle and common sense” is great intellectual fun. Go ahead and toggle your grey cells ,proverbially ! Till then adieu.

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